Testosterone Healing the Masculine Soul
Men need testosterone, plain and simple. It’s what makes them men.
Testosterone Effects
Testosterone causes
- facial hair to grow,
- it gives men their deep voices,
- it makes them fertile and able to produce sperm,
- it gives them incredible strength and muscle tone,
- and lots of energy.
The manliest men have testosterone to spare. However, some men find their testosterone levels start to drop as they get older.
They may suffer from flabby muscles, weight gain, gynecomastia (large male breasts), lowered fertility, depression, fatigue and more.
These men need more testosterone to feel virile and masculine again! Fortunately, this poor condition can be corrected.
Let’s face it. No man wants to feel like he’s not really a man. Men want to feel masculine and any indication, whether strength or muscle, they are losing their masculinity can make them feel inadequate as husbands, boyfriends, fathers, and as men in general.
Men with low testosterone who have obvious symptoms of it may start to hide away indoors, wary of showing their effeminate features to the public. They may avoid their family and friends for the same reason. These men need help!
They need to feel like men again so they can show themselves proudly to the world. They need to not only look like men, they need to feel strong and healthy like good caveman providers in order to feel truly masculine.
Natural testosterone boosters are essential to healing their wounded masculine egos. Boosting testosterone can heal the bruised masculine soul within.
While natural levels of testosterone peak in the late teens and early 20’s with men (as any man can attest!) and start to slowly decline after that, any man of any age may experience lowered testosterone levels due to all kinds of reasons.
In the case of a medical condition that results in lowered testosterone, a doctor can boost it back up to normal levels with testosterone shots. Sometimes these shots need to be given on a regular basis forever.
Sometimes, they are just necessary for a limited period until the underlying condition corrects itself. Either way, continually having to go to the doctor for a shot or learning to give yourself one is a hassle.
If it will help get testosterone levels back to normal, however, most men are willing to suck it up and deal with it. It’s worth it to feel like a man!
Men who experience testosterone loss due to age and inactivity may benefit from taking an over-the-counter natural testosterone supplement. These supplements can not only increase testosterone levels, they can build muscle, improve strength, increase virility, increase energy, improve mood, and bring back all of those physical masculine features like facial hair and a flat chest.
When men regain these things, they feel like men again and can start to live normal lives once more. They become proud of who they are and the people around them respond to their renewed self-confidence.
Continued use of over-the-counter testosterone will increase testosterone to normal levels and keep them there as long as the supplement continues to be taken regularly. Men may feel so good on testosterone supplements that they start working out again.
Testosterone can increase muscle mass and give men the six-pack abs and powerful leg muscles they had in their youth. Testosterone can also make a man look more youthful in his outward appearance in addition to making him feel younger and stronger. This is how testosterone heals the masculine soul.
Ruchi Mathur, MD is a therapist and doctor who writes for OnHealth.com.
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